About: Simon, Author of TopWorkLife.com

Hi’ my name is Simon Elkjær and I run topworklife
This is my blog, and I have also a freshly started YouTube-channel to go along with the blog.
Topworklife.com is a website for everyone who wants to get better.
Either by making more money (online) or via a career with no education (as I have)
or just by minimalism or just general self improvement
I am no minimalism expert, but its one of my interests.
Actually, I – personally, am not a expert in all the things I blog about, which is why i often hire help with more knowledge than me, to help write better articles.
Who am I – the author of TopWorkLife?
I have been working in the online-industry for more than a decade.
I started before the big financial crisis of 2008 as a junior developer, but migrated over to the more marketing focused side.
But actually,
I started waay before that.
About the year 2002 – over 20 years ago, I was already making websites, that was actually making money.
I had the biggest site about gymnastics in Denmark (or at least in the top 3)
Back then i knew nothing about making it a business, – I was only a kid.
But I have learned a thing or two since then.
Today I have more about a decade of professional experience in eCommerce where as almost 7-8 of these are as a CMO and 3 is as a CEO of my own marketing agency. I have written a book about marketing (ISBN: 9788797135600), and i had a podcast about marketing for years. (Both was in danish)
I started this blog, among other projects as a side hobby, to document, have fun and experiment on my free time.
My e-mail is [email protected] – if you must contact me, please say it is about topworklife – otherwise much prefer to get contacted via discord or on my youtube channel.
What is Top Work Life about?
Maybe you are curious what degree you need to become a YouTuber, an author, a consultant or something else.
Maybe you want to know about affiliate marketing, passive income or even ecommerce?
Here are the categories of content you will find.
The categories are as following: