Moving out of your house can be a costly process. That’s why it’s important to know how to make it as cheap as possible. Here are some tips on how to move out with no money:
- Find community shelters
- Provide services in exchange for housing
- Borrow a friend’s car to sleep in
- Stay with a friend
- Look for free hostels
- Couch surfing
- Cut down on expensive meals
- Ask a relative to keep you
- Search for areas with relocation initiatives
- Make a GoFundMe or any fundraising page
Moving out can seem like a daunting task for both the parent and the child. What age a child moves out at varies, but experts say it has decreased drastically to about 19 years in most parts of America. Some may choose not to and save on rent while they finish their studies.
But what if you don’t have a choice? I have seen some teenagers who must move out due to toxic household circumstances or simply a lack of funding.
Regardless, I support your decision and want to help you understand what steps you should take next.
Read on to find out how to move out of your parents’ house without any money.
10 Tips to Move Out of Your Parents’ House With No Money
Moving out is difficult when you have lived with your parents your entire life. It is only made harder when you don’t have money. But you can still follow these tips until you get back on your feet.
#1 Find a Local Shelter

With the volatile economic shifts, many new local shelters have opened up to assist those evicted or on the streets for any reason. They can help you by providing you shelter and food while you look for a more permanent solution.
Shelters are keen to help out those within their communities, more so look for ones within or adjacent to where you lived. You can also find other individuals in the same situation, forming a sense of companionship and good company.
To find the nearest local shelter, use the tool by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Various shelters look out for various causes, so you won’t be able to get into each one.
Some also provide vocational training and even small-scale labor jobs, so you gain experience and do not become financially dependent on them.
#2 Work in Exchange for Housing

Depending on where you live, this is a much more common and plausible option. Working in exchange for housing is a good method of staying afloat while also earning small amounts.
It is harder to find as many neighborhoods are already housing individuals or do not prefer this system of sheltering the homeless as they feel it is unsafe.
I think the best place to look for housing in exchange for services would be small, local businesses. Many owners have apartments adjacent or nearby to their shops and may let you stay there if you help out their business.
The best-case scenario would be if you already knew the small-business owners around your area as they would know you and be more willing to let you stay compared to strangers.
Here are some work exchange platforms that connect workers with their potential hosts:
If you don’t have a work permit, here’s how to make money without a work permit in the US.
#3 Stay in a Friend’s Car

If you have close friends who would help you out in your time of need, staying in one of their cars is a great option.
It is harder to imply, though, as many people do not have extra cars they can let you borrow or may need in the daytime.
If you can find someone, living is much easier as you can continue your routine with them like going to school or university.
They can also help with food and basic amenities such as showering and bathroom use. It will also help you avoid loneliness as you will have company whenever they come to check up on you.
Security is an issue as someone can easily break into the car and hurt you.
Not my favorite suggestion but a useful one nonetheless.
#4 Crash at a Friend’s Apartment

Another much nicer variation of the previous suggestion: staying at a friend’s house for a while. This is one of my top recommended suggestions as you will be safe inside their house and can stay without fear of getting thrown out.
You have access to 24/7 running water, phone charging ports, and electricity, amongst other things.
If any of your friends have spare rooms or even a storage space they do not use, it could be a great place to stay while you figure out your next step.
Like my residence, I know many others willing to provide shelter to anyone cast out of their home. It also makes applying for jobs and acquiring the necessities much easier as you are less stressed and pressurized.
#5 Approach Free Hostels

Free hostels are another solution I urge you towards as it is quite similar to staying at someone’s apartment.
They provide you with proper WiFi, adequate meals, and a bed to sleep in. You should be good if you have a roof over your head.
If you are looking for hostels in the suburbs or rural areas, they are bound to be some that provide you with a room free of cost. You can also share a room with someone if they are willing.
Free hostels will mostly have shared bathrooms and kitchens, so remember to spend your time wisely. Also, make sure to keep a good eye on your belongings, as hostels are not always safe.
I have gathered a few resources to help you find a free hostel for accommodation:
» Read my blog post: 25 Side Income Ideas For College Students
#6 Couch Surf

Couch-surfing is one of the lesser-known methods on the list to find shelter. It involves asking random individuals if they would temporarily allow you to reside in their homes.
This usually does not entail proper beds or rooms. Rather, makeshift, improvised sleeping areas, such as couches or foldable mattresses, are made.
This is my least recommended suggestion for several reasons. Most importantly, you cannot know who the person offering you the sleeping area is.
They could be potentially dangerous and harm you while you would not be able to escape. Secondly, they may ask you to provide any type of service in exchange for them letting you stay.
You would not be under any contract and would have to oblige regardless if you want to continue that arrangement.
It could also be very different from what you are used to. Adapting to a new environment can become an issue for many people.
Still, if you cannot find any other means of shelter, this is a viable option for you.
#7 Eat Budget Food

A pretty obvious suggestion, I’m sure many of you must think, is not required. But the truth is that many teenagers struggle to find shelter as they cannot save up any money.
This is primarily because of the lush lifestyle they had been living and continued to live shortly after moving out.
Eating out is one of the biggest and most regressive money-drain methods, and it should be stopped immediately after moving out.
If you are financially independent and already broke, you cannot afford the luxury of eating out. Buy the raw ingredients required for each meal and cook wherever you are residing.
If you are living at a local community shelter, fill your stomach with the meals they provide, as they are free of cost.
If you stopped eating out and started eating budget food, you should gradually see an increase in your funds. You can eventually put this into rent or traveling to job interviews.
#8 Stay With a Relative or Your Significant Other

Maybe you are not cut out for the world out there or to live on your own. Sometimes, friends also have their limitations and cannot shelter you.
In this case, the best thing to do is turn to a close relative or a significant other. Ask them if you can stay with them for a while. Explain your situation to them and convince them to let you stay temporarily.
If your significant other has an apartment, they can also help put a roof over your head until you get things sorted.
This will help urge you to do better as you are provided a familiar environment with people concerned for your wellbeing.
Make sure not to overstay your welcome, though, as it can be strenuous to a relationship.
#9 Find Places With Relocation Initiatives

Many areas with low populations or declining economies start relocation initiatives to urge newcomers into their towns.
They may provide stipends, jobs, and housing, all free of cost, so more people are incentivized to move there.
MakeMyMove is a great website to find places with relocation initiatives.
These are ideal initiatives for those who have only recently become financially independent and need money. You can move there and find housing and jobs already waiting for you.
If you can survive a few weeks, you should have enough funds to stabilize your life properly. It also opens up various new paths you can think about taking in the future.
Remember to find relocation initiatives in places familiar to you. New places can be hard to adjust to when you are alone and need to manage everything all by yourself.
» You can also read my post: $40,000 a Good Salary? A Budget Breakdown by State
#10 Set Up a Fundraising Page

Your last resort can be to start a fundraising page such as a GoFundMe. Fundraising pages explain your entire situation to individuals online and persuade them to donate whatever they can.
You can set up limits or goals to show what you are working towards and how much it costs. People can also personally reach out to get better versions of those services.
GoFundMe is a great site, but I do not think it should be your go-to. There are thousands of pages already created for different causes, many unauthorized.
People sometimes hesitate to donate if they do not believe in the cause or trust the creator. It can also make you dependent on receiving handouts which will only negatively impact your future.
After trying all these methods, you would find a temporary place to stay. What is important is what should you do next to stay on track?
That is exactly what I will explain, so read ahead to find out how to stabilize your life after moving out without money.
What to Do After Moving Out From Your Parents With No Money?

You have moved out from your parents and finally secured a living space. It will be temporary, so you must get back on your feet. Here’s how you can do that.
Look for a Full-Time Job
The first thing you should do is look for a job. Since you won’t have much to do in the shelter, you can spend most of your day at work.
It is also more rewarding as you get paid for your time there and gain experience.
Work Odd Jobs To Make Some Cash
Do not be picky about what jobs you are offered. Unless you have a degree and a few years of experience under your belt, chances are you will have to work your way up working different types of jobs.
If they pay well, do not shy away from easy money.
» You can also read my post: 20 Actual Jobs That Pay Over $200k Without A Degree?
Start Investing Your Savings at an Early Age to Beat Inflation
Inflation is never-ending, and the financial responsibility is much greater for someone who is already broke. The best thing to do is separate your savings and spending budget.
This way, you can track how much you need to spend on groceries and daily living expenses. The rest should be split into savings you invest in and those you keep for emergencies.
Investing at an early age can greatly increase your financial condition in the future.
» Read more about this in my post: How Much Money Should I Have Saved by 21?
Get a New Place on Mortgage
A mortgage is a slippery slope, and I would not recommend this. But if you insist on going for it, it is still a viable option.
You can get your place, free from everyone else’s rules. This will allow you to start your own life and set a routine for yourself. You are free to make your own decisions, which is both a good and a bad thing.
Make sure to pay off your mortgage and not take any financial risks while under debt, as your property can be seized.
Does Moving Out From Your Parents Affect Your Relationship With Them?
An age-old question that crosses the mind of every adolescent thinking about moving out. There is no clear answer. Every parent-child relationship is unique, depending on what your parents expect from you.
If they expect you to move out, they will be happy that you moved out and became independent. On the other hand, if this is something they did not wish for, it will negatively impact your bond as you went against their wishes.
I want you to remember that you should not let your parents’ goals be your goals. If this is a decision that you believe will benefit you and your future, I suggest you leap.
Do consider their advice if you talked to them beforehand. Even if they do not agree, they can provide some beneficial insight into many complexities of the practical world.
It would also help if you needed their help in the future.
» Read my blog post: Is $5,000 Enough Money To Move Out?
The Final Verdict
Moving out is a big step and should not be made without proper consideration. Unless it is an emergency, take your time to think it through.
If you still decide to go through with it, follow the abovementioned tips, and you should be able to get on your feet fairly soon!